Utility services provided by the City of Soledad include water, garbage and sewer.

For property owners the following items are required:

  • Utility Services Request Form
  • Proof of ownership (i.e. a closing statement, mortgage statement, grant deed, property tax statement)
  • A government issued photo ID

For tenants the following items are required:

  • Utility Services Request Form
  • Rental agreement
  • A government issued photo ID
  • $200 deposit (cash, credit card, check)

All items must be received in our office before 4:00pm for same day service or in advance of the day you are requesting services. We are unable to back date service requests.

Note: No service requests are processed during the weekend.

Requests to activate services can be submitted in person at City Hall or via email at

For any questions, please call (831) 223-5072.

To close a utility account, please complete the Discontinuation of Utility Services Form. 

You can pick up an application at 248 Main Street or download and fill out the form below. It’s very important that the form is completed and submitted to the Finance Department in order to stop the utility billing.  Customers should be aware that there will be one final billing to be paid after a utility account is closed. Before customers can close a utility account, a forwarding address for this billing must be provided.

To make a change in your garbage services, please complete the Garbage Service Change Request Form. Garbage changes take effect the last Thursday of each month. 

Note: The only bin that can be changed to a different size is the garbage collection bin.  The recycling and green/organic waste bins are standard size and cannot be reduced or increased in size.

  1. CHECK BY MAIL: mail a check in the enclosed envelope with bill payment stub and mail to City of Soledad, Dept LA24050, Pasadena, CA 91185-4050.

    Note: if you choose this option, it takes about 7-10 days to receive payment. Make sure to send payment with enough time to avoid any late fees. The City is not responsible for any lost checks or checks not arriving on time.

    If a letter or package needs to be sent via express or overnight mail, please use the following street address: City of Soledad, LA24050, 14005 Live Oak Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706-1300.

  1. ONLINE (24 hours a day):you may pay online using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or e-Check (checking or savings account) by visiting
    Please note: a convenience charge is applied for utilizing this payment method.

    There is a limit of $300 per transaction if you choose this payment method.

  1. BY PHONE(24 hours a day): you may pay by phone using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or e-Check (checking or savings account) by dialing (855) 288-2348 (Paymentus).
    Please note: a convenience charge is applied for utilizing this payment method.

    There is a limit of $300 per transaction if you choose this payment method.

  1. CASH PAYMENT(walk-in with CheckFreePay): take bills with your original payment stub to participating CheckFreePay location to make a CASH PAYMENT (NO credit cards, no checks). You must have your original payment stub.

    Please note: a convenience charge is applied for utilizing this payment method.

    You can pay with cash at the following locations:

    • Max Music, 719 Front St, Soledad, CA 93960
    • La Placita Mercado, 325 Front St, Soledad, CA 93960

NOTE – Banking Bill Pay:  If your bank offers online bill payment services, you can set up your payment to be automatically sent to us through your bank. Be sure to enter your account number exactly as it appears on your bill. Account numbers entered incorrectly may result in late fees.

All payments must be received before 5:00pm PST for same day posting.  Please note that payment posting cutoff times may vary by payment processor.

For questions about your bill please call (831) 223-5072.

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