Public Meetings
City Council
The City Council provides policy direction on a broad spectrum of issues. The Soledad City Council holds regular meetings at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Please see our event calendar for up to date information about dates. Some meetings are canceled and rescheduled due to holidays. After introductions we immediately go into Closed Session. The public portion of the meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. All meetings are open to the public and governed by the rules of the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act.
We also live stream our meetings on Zoom and YouTube.
Details to join, view, and submit public comment are included in the agenda packet. Everyone is encouraged to listen in and participate.

Agendas and Minutes

There are a couple of ways to submit a public comment in our city council meetings.
- IN PERSON – During the meeting, the mayor will announce before each item that we are opening up for public comment. Raise your hand, and you will be called on to come up to the podium for 3 minutes to make your comment.
- IN ZOOM – During the same time period, if you use the Raise Hand button in Zoom, the mayor will recognize you, the moderator will unmute you, and you will have the same 3 minutes to make your comment.
- WRITTEN – Advanced submittal of public comments to the City Clerk cityclerk@cityofsoledad.gov are due by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the scheduled meeting. Comments are Limited to 250 words or less, and effort will be made to read your comment into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations. The City Clerk will read written and digital comments, provided the reading will not exceed 3 minutes.
All comments shall become part of the record.
- This time is for one-way conversations to the City Council. This time should not be used for a debate or back and forth questions. City Council will generally not respond, but will get city staff to respond to you after the meeting.
- Comments should be about items that are within the jurisdiction of the city council to address.
Written chat comments on Zoom or YouTube are not allowed as due to our restrictions with following the Brown Act.
Planning Commission
Regular meetings of the City of Soledad Planning Commission are held the second Thursday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. All meetings are open to the public and governed by the rules of the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act.
We also stream our Planning Commission meetings on Zoom and Facebook Live.
Details to join, view, and submit public comment are included in the agenda packet.
Special Session Meetings
Occasionally our staff and city council will call together special session meetings to discuss matters related to the city’s business, public interest or planning for upcoming events. These meetings are open to the public both in person and live streamed. The agendas for the meetings will provide details on how to attend or connect remotely.
Measure “Y” & “S” Have Been Combined to Create the New Soledad Transactions and Use Tax Citizen Oversight Committee (“TUT Committee.”)
About the Committee
On August 7, 2024, the City Council, via Resolution, dissolved the existing Measure S and Y Committees and consolidated their functions into a newly formed single seven-member body known as the Soledad Transactions and Use Tax Citizen Oversight Committee (“TUT Committee.”) The purpose of this committee is to advance accountability, transparency, and public engagement efforts in overseeing how the involved tax revenues are used.
The Committee will be comprised of one member appointed annually by each member of the Council (including Mayor), and then two additional members appointed by the Mayor, subject to Council approval.
Purpose and Duties
The TUT Committee is charged with the review of expenditures of Measure S and Measure Y revenues to ensure the monies have been expended in accordance with the purposes authorized by said Measures.
The TUT Committee shall conduct at least two meetings a year. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson as necessary. All meetings shall be held open to the general public and proper notices shall be given for all meetings in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
For further information about this Committee, please contact:
Darlene Noriega, City of Soledad, PO Box 156 or 248 Main St., Soledad, CA 93960
Email: darlene.noriega@cityofsoledad.gov
Learn more about Measure Y here.
Learn more about Measure S here.
05-22-2023 Special Measure “Y” Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting
Measure “S” Citizens Oversight Committee 09-14-2023
Ad-Hoc Affordable Housing Subcommittee
The Ad-Hoc Affordable Housing Subcommittee currently consists of two members: Councilmember Evarista Banuelos and Councilmember Fernando Cabrera. The primary function of the committee is to provide specific advice and suggestions on Affordable Housing-related projects.
Ad-Hoc Affordable Housing Subcommittee Agenda 03.27.2025
This not a currently active committee.
Parks and Recreation Committee
The Parks and Recreation Committee is a City Council Standing Committee, charged with making recommendations to the City Council in an advisory capacity for the City’s Parks and Recreation program. The Parks and Recreation Committee currently consists of four members: two City Council Members serve on the Committee and two Citizen Representatives are appointed by the Council to serve on the Committee. All Committee members are residents of the City.
12.08.2020 – Parks & Recreation Committee Agenda & Minutes
Soledad City Hall
248 Main Street • Soledad, CA 93960
Phone: 831-223-5000 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm