Soledad Community Center Facility Rentals
Whether you are looking for space for a small birthday party, meeting, or a large venue for your major life event, the Soledad Community Center has options for every occasion! Our staff is happy to assist you in reserving your event with the Soledad Parks & Recreation Department.
9996 sq. ft. room with a capacity of 999/450 dining.
Fees: ($1000 Deposit + $50 reservation fee) (10-hour setup/event max)
Saturdays and Sundays Only (no Friday setup): $1600 (10-hour use block)
Programs prioritized (setup/events-after only)
Large Multi-Purpose Room
1978 sq. ft. room with a capacity of 150/120 dining.
Fees: ($250 Deposit + $25 reservation fee)
Hourly Rate: (2hr min/4hr max): $70
Event Rate: (6hr max) (F-Sun): $380
Small Multi-Purpose Room
858 sq. ft. room with a capacity of 49/25 dining.
Fees: ($150 Deposit + $25 reservation fee)
Meeting Rate: (2hr min/4hr max): $50/hr
Event Rate: (6hr max) (F-Sun): $260
Add-On Fees
All room fees are base level. Additional fees are required on a per event basis:
Warming Kitchen
We offer a warming kitchen, not to be confused with a catering kitchen. No cooking allowed in the facility. You must bring your own food ready to serve.
Stand By Staff
Staff is required for any event that is outside of normal business hours. $35 per hour.
Security Guards
Every event with alcohol is required to have security guards. For every 50 guests, there will be one guard.
Alcohol Permit
An alcohol permit must be approved and paid to allow for alcohol at any event in the facility.
Renter will lose their deposit if staff find damages or loss of city property caused by the party renting the space.
Must be made 30 days in advance. No exceptions.
Book Your Reservation Appointment Today!
Soledad Park Rentals
Soledad is blessed with a variety of outdoor spaces to enjoy nature, play, and celebrate!
Public Park Rentals
- Park Rentals (first come, first serve w/out reservation)
- BBQ Pits by reservation for residents only
- Reservations are made on our website on the facility tab or in person.
- 5 business day advanced registration
- Must be 21+ and present during rental
Residents Only
Picnic Area & BBQ
$6.25/hr 4hr min-6 max
Bounce House
*requires permit & insurance
Public Field Reservations
- Resident Use Only
- Reservations can be made online or in person.
- You must pick up your permit if doing an online reservation
Organized Sports Reservations
- Reservations must be made in person.
- Must be made 30 days in advance
- All required forms and insurance must be submitted at time of applicatoin
Ball Field-practice/hr
Ball Field-game/hr
Soccer Field-practice/hr
Soccer Field-game/hr
Soledad City Hall
248 Main Street • Soledad, CA 93960
Phone: 831-223-5000 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm