The City Manager serves as the Chief Executive Officer for the City of Soledad and as Executive Director of the Soledad Successor Agency of the Former Redevelopment Agency.  Appointed by the City Council, the City Manager is responsible for the overall administration of all City government departments and oversees the enforcement of all pertinent State/Federal laws and municipal ordinances. The City Manager is responsible for all city operations including Human Resources and the City Clerk functions. The City Manager serves as the City Clerk of the City.  The City Manager oversees the preparation of the budget and is responsible for the administration of the budget once adopted by the City Council.

Performance Objectives

  • Prepare and submit the annual municipal budget by or before June 30 of each year
  • Develop and implement the City’s Strategic Work Plan each year
  • Implement economic development strategies
  • Keep the City Council informed on the fiscal conditions of the City of Soledad
  • Continuous evaluation of efficiencies and effectiveness

Meet Soledad's New City Manager

Megan Hunter began her new role as the City Manager for Soledad on May 15, 2023. Before being hired as City Manager, Megan worked for the City of Salinas as the Community Development Director facilitating economic development, advancing housing production, addressing homelessness, eliminating blight, and ensuring equitable growth in all Salinas neighborhoods. Assuming the helm of the Community Development Department in 2015, Megan guided the development and adoption of three specific plans, economic development and housing elements of the General Plan, and two community plans. In recognition of this work, the California Chapter of the American Planning Association awarded the department “best public planning agency” in 2020. Prior to moving to Salinas, Megan served as the Planning and Development Director in Flint, leading the development of the City’s first Master Plan since 1960. Nine years after its adoption, the plan continues to receive national attention for its innovative approach in reimagining a shrinking city and has resulted in more than $300 million in private and public investment for its implementation. Megan also spent 11 years as a planner in Los Angeles with both the Redevelopment Agency and the Department of City Planning. Key projects included: industrial expansion near the Port of Los Angeles, revitalization of San Pedro’s Downtown, a streetscape plan for L.A. Live, and establishment of four historic districts. Megan has a master’s degree in urban planning from UCLA and a bachelor’s degree in metropolitan studies from Michigan State University.

Staff Directory

If you’d like to schedule a meeting with the City Manager, please contact her assistant at the information above.

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