Community Resources
The city does provide important services like water, sewer and trash pickup, but understands that it takes many other resources to make a community whole. We wanted to showcase some partners and organizations we work with that can help our residents find things like financial and health service assistance.

2-1-1 is a toll-free telephone number which connects callers with trained referral specialists in the area. Callers can find out where to go for community services such as counseling, emergency shelters, parenting classes, and legal aid. The rental and utility billing assistance program offered because of COVID is available via referrals through this service.
More details about the program can be found on their website
or by calling 211 directly from your telephone

Access Support Network services residents of San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties living with HIV/AIDS and Hep C. Benefits Counseling, Health Counseling, Housing Services, Syringe Service Program & Harm Reduction, Financial Assistance & Information Forums. More details on their website.
#housing #homeless #health #counseling #financialaid

CSUMB – Community Health Engagement services residents who meet permanent supportive housing through the Homeless Coordinated Entry System or meet HUD’s definition of homelessness. Programs include Street Outreach, Case management, Housing Navigation and Retention Services, Groups and Life Skills Classes. To find out more please visit their website.
#outreach #housing #homeless #counseling #classes

Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL) services Monterey County residents with a disability experiencing homelessness, about to become homeless or known someone experiencing homelessness. CCCIL can assist by enrolling you into the Coordinated Entry program that matches people experiencing homelessness to community resources that best fit their situation. More information on eligibility and services provided can be found on their website.
#housing #homeless #disability #counseling #youth

Salinas Valley Street Outreach Program (SV-SOP) provides resources and aid to homeless youth up to the age of 24, in all of the Salinas Valley. The program works to build trust and relationships with youth on the streets in a non-judgmental way with the ultimate goal of providing safe exits off the streets and into permanent housing. To contact SV-SOP or for more information on services provided, please visit their website.
#outreach #housing #homeless #basicsupplies #crisisintervention

Dorothy’s Place exist to serve our marginalized neighbors throughout the Monterey County area, and have a special affinity with people that have been long-time homeless. We compassionately offer hospitality, safety, guidance toward a life of greater health and happiness, and a bridge to services they might feel are unavailable to them elsewhere. Our goal is to compassionately assist everyone with a desire for a healthy and sustainable life into permanent housing. Please visit their website to learn more about their services and contact information.
#outreach #housing #homeless #counseling #education

The Housing Support Program (HSP) by the Housing Resource Center of Monterey County (HRC), assists homeless families on Calworks and CalFresh obtain and maintain permanent housing. Clients range from young, first-time mothers, families fleeing domestic violence, two-parent households, and parents with disabled children. You may apply online, get more information, or get in touch with HRC by visiting their website.
#outreach #housing #homeless #counseling #financialaid

Interim’s mission is to provide services and affordable housing supporting members of our community with mental illness in building productive and satisfying lives. Support ranges from affordable housing, residential treatment, social support, homeless outreach and support, and supported education and employment services. Please visit their website for more information on services provided and contact information.
#outreach #housing #homeless #mentalillness #jobs

Dedicated to building healthy and safe communities, the Prevention Centers provide a variety of services to community members and their families, in order to build awareness and promote action toward resolving community health problems relating to drug and alcohol abuse. Programs and services vary at each center, for more information including contact information, please visit their website.
#outreach #communityservice #lifeskills #substanceabuse #training

Community Homeless Solutions is Monterey County’s largest provider of housing and resources for people experiencing homelessness and victims of domestic violence. Programs include Housing Program, Domestic Violence Shelters, Chinatown Navigation Center, H.O.M.E. Resource Center, and Central Coast Respite Center. For more information, eligibility and contact information please visit their website.
#outreach #communityservice #lifeskills #substanceabuse #training

The Coalition of Homeless Services Providers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves as Monterey and San Benito County’s Continuum of Care (CoC) lead. They provide assistance with many programs for those who are homeless. Such as the Coordinated Assessment and Referral System (CARS) which aims to partner homeless individuals with services that are the best fit for their specific situation. Please visit their website for more information on other programs and how to apply.
#housing #homeless #domesticabuse #medicalneeds #food

The mission of VTC is “to empower Veterans to transition from crisis to self-sufficiency.” Since 1996, this 501c3 non-profit has operated on the old Ft Ord complex to provide homeless Veterans and their families with food, clothing, case management, life skills, substance abuse counseling, benefit enrollment, medical referrals, employment training, and housing. Please visit their website to find more information and how to apply to their programs for veterans.
#housing #homeless #jobs #food #financialaid

Substance use disorders and narcotics addictions are prevalent throughout the United States , and it is estimated that over 2.1 million people within the U.S. have an opioid use disorder alone and need addiction treatment. If you are struggling, you are not alone, to find a Narcotics Anonymous meeting call 800-913-2720 or for further information visit their website.
#outpatienttreatment #inpatienttreatment #supportgroups

If I Need Help reunites those who might become lost or disoriented or need assistance in a critical moment with their families, loved ones, and caregivers using modern technologies in practical, accessible, and affordable ways. Through an easy free sign-up and membership, you are provided with personal wearable QR codes that immediately alert the public to who needs help and how to help them. A Police Officer, jogger, or anyone who scans them can quickly find the individual’s basic information, such as an emergency contact number. Stop by the Soledad Police Department for further information and assistance with registration and visit the If I Need Help website to view products and safety kits.
#safetykits #IDcards #autism #alzhemiers

Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one? You’re not alone—the Veterans Crisis Line is here for you. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to call. Dial 988, then press one or text 838255 to access free, confidential support 24/7, 365 days a year, and connect with a real person qualified to support Veterans. The Veterans Crisis Line serves Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. For more information, please visit their website.
#supportveterans #accessresources #confidentialcrisissupport
Soledad City Hall
248 Main Street • Soledad, CA 93960
Phone: 831-223-5000 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm