Assembly Bill 413 was passed on January 1, 2024, by the state of California and goes into effect starting January 1,2025. This bill is meant to help reduce traffic collisions and save lives through a measure known as daylighting. This measure makes it illegal for anyone to park within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any marked or unmarked crosswalk to improve pedestrian safety. This means that starting January 1st any vehicle parked within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any marked or unmarked crosswalk will be able to be cited by law enforcement. Daylighting makes it easier for people using all modes of transportation to see one another. Without vehicles blocking sight lines near intersections, drivers can more clearly see if a pedestrian is waiting to cross the street and, likewise, pedestrians can better spot approaching vehicles without having to step into the street for a clear view of oncoming traffic.
El Proyecto de Ley AB 413, aprobado en California el 1 de enero de 2024, entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2025. Esta ley tiene como objetivo reducir los accidentes de tránsito y salvar vidas mediante la implementación de la medida conocida como “daylighting”. Esta medida prohíbe estacionar dentro de los 20 pies antes de cualquier cruce peatonal, marcado o no marcado, para mejorar la seguridad de los peatones. A partir del 1 de enero de 2025, los vehículos que infrinjan esta norma podrán ser sancionados por las autoridades. Para más información, comuníquese con el Ingeniero Asistente Juan Huerta al correo electrónico