

Soledad, CA— On July 31, the Soledad City Council discussed the issue of the City wells. Of the five wells that the City of Soledad has, three are out of service. While unfortunate, maintenance issues like these rarely occur.

We are working to get the wells back online as quickly as possible. Today, we were able to get one of the wells running again. We anticipate to have the fourth well up and running on Monday.

Cal Fire is also aware of the situation, and they are ready to supplement water in case of a fire.

Earlier tonight, the Soledad City Council held a special meeting to approve the funding to replace the fifth well. Although this repair will take some time, we should be able to pump enough water for our residents with the remaining wells.

We are not in an emergency, and we do not want residents of Soledad to panic. While we are not making it mandatory to move to Phase Two of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan to cut water usage by 25%, any support from residents over the next couple of weeks is appreciated. The City will not be watering its parks, and have reduced our own water usage. We hope that residents can support our efforts by doing the same.

Again, we want to reassure residents that we are NOT in an emergency and that we are working to resolve the situation. We will post more updates as we have them.



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